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3738 42nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN, 55406


Straw Bale Gardening

Mother Earth Gardens Style
in 4 easy steps

1. Turn the bale so that the bristly, cut face is on the top. This is the side with no twine.

2. Over the course of 1 week, apply 3 pounds of Peruvian seabird guano with 1/4 pound sulfate of potash. Alternately, you can apply 1.5lbs of blood meal and 1.5lbs of bone meal. This will give you the equivalent of Joel Karsten's recommended 20-20-20 nutrient level.

3. Water the top, but don't overdo it, or you're washing the fertilizer onto the lawn or into the sewers.

4. After a few days, when the inside of your bale feels slightly warm to the touch (NOT HOT!) transplant your seedlings into the bale.