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3738 42nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN, 55406

FERT DTE All Purpose

all purpose (4-6-2)






Why Meg Carries it

OMRI-Listed (Organic Materials Review Institute)

Contains beneficial microbes


Derived from Fish Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Feather Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Rock Phosphate, Langbeinite and Kelp Meal


Down To Earth’s All Purpose 4-6-2 mix is ideal for all types of transplants. A gentle, non-burning fertilizer made for vegetables, herbs, flowers and container plants, it is formulated with top-quality organic ingredients and designed to deliver a steady supply of essential nutrients to your plants while enhancing soil fertility and microbial activity naturally.

Application Rates


  • NEW TOMATO STARTS: mix 2-3 tbsp with the backfill soil for each plant. Use amended soil to fill in around the new plant and water in well.

  • 1GAL TOMATO TRANSPLANTS: Use ¼-½ cup per plant.

  • ESTABLISHED TOMATOES: side dress ¼- ½ cup per plant, depending on plant size and desired growth rate, once each month during the growing season.

Vegetable Gardens & Flower Beds

  • NEW GARDENS: apply 2.5-5 lbs per 100 square feet and thoroughly mix into the top 3″ of soil.

  • NEW TRANSPLANTS: add 1-2 tbsp per hole, mix into soil and water in well.

  • ESTABLISHED PLANTS: side dress 2-4 oz, depending on plant size and desired growth rate, once each month during the growing season.

Containers & Houseplants

  • NEW PLANTINGS: add 1-2 tbsp per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly OR add 5-10 lbs per cubic yard.

  • ESTABLISHED PLANTS: lightly mix 1-2 tbsp per gallon into the soil surface once each month during the growing season.

Row Crops/Acreage

Apply 750-1,000 lbs per acre depending on specific crop needs or required pounds of actual nitrogen per acre.

Trees & Shrubs

Spread 1 lb per 1″ of trunk diameter around the base outwards to the drip line, mix into soil surface and water in well. For new trees, prepare transplant hole and mix 1-2 cups with the backfill soil. Use amended soil to fill in around the new tree and water in well.