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3738 42nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN, 55406


vegetable & Herb


Why Meg Carries it

OMRI Listed

We like products that consider whole system wellbeing

Adds calcium for better nutritional equilibrium, potassium for enhancing growth, and humic acids to stimulate beneficial microbial activity. Use when transporting or sowing indoor or outdoor vegetables, fruits or herbs in pots or beds.


A type of fungi that forms a symbiotic relationship with plant roots.

Why is this symbiosis mutually beneficial?

The fungi help bring water and nutrients to the plant, stimulate plant growth and accelerate root development.

Plants support fungi with carbon in the form of sugars.


What can you expect from applying MYKE?

Plants that are better equipped to fight pathogens and disease.

Plants with a greater tolerance to drought, salinity, soil compaction.

Plants with reduced watering needs.

Improved soil structure.

Are all Mycorrhizae the same?

No; specific fungi interact with specific plant types

Do Mycorrhizae work with all plants?

No; they colonize about 90% of plant species.

Those that aren’t receptive are not negatively affected by the mycorrhizae.


Broccoli, cabbage, beet, spinach, radishes, blueberries, and cranberries - these cannot be colonized by the mycorrhizal fungus contained in MYKE Vegetable & Herb.