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3738 42nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN, 55406

AMEND High Island Fulvic Acid



Why Meg Carries it

Local: Winthrop, MN

From their fifth generation family farm, High Island has expanded into the organic fertilizer market. They use chicken manure from their hens to produce high-quality organic fertilizers. They take huge pride in diligently caring for their hens and do the same with their customers.


Fulvic Acid infuses your water with trace minerals, organic and amino acids that aren't commonly found in other products. Plants love these tiny powerful plant-stimulating molecules.

Adding Fulvic Acid will give you vigorous plants, robust flowering, and boosted immunity to help your plants against adverse weather conditions, insects, and other challenges.


Active Ingredients

Fulvic Acid. . . . . . . . . .4.5%

Amino Acids. . . . . . . . . .0.5%

Other Organic Acids. . . . . . . . . .1.5%

Inert Ingredients

Filtered Water. . . . . . . .93.5%

Directions for use

Hydroponics and Soilless Growing:

Mix 1 mL per gallon of feed water on a continuous basis.

Soil Growing:

Mix 2 ml per gallon of feed water applied to the soil on a continuous basis.

** This product is not approved to be used as a dietary aid