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3738 42nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN, 55406

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Green Grown Goods

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Mother Earth Gardens

Welcome to Mother Earth Gardens, a garden center that specializes in organic gardening, sustainably grown plants, and eco-friendly products. 

Open year round, we have different specialties for each season. 

Throughout the spring and summer, we sell organic seeds, vegetables and herbs as well as sustainably grown annuals and perennials. We feature the largest selection of native plants of any retail garden center in the Twin Cities.

During autumn, we sell a unique variety of locally grown gourds and pumpkins, along with locally grown branches and bunches, interesting flowering bulbs and numerous varieties of garlic for fall planting.

In the winter, we offer beautifully decorated winter pots, swags, wreaths and centerpieces plus all the greens and floral you need to make your own creations. We also sell unique gifts including locally made art, ceramics, jewelry and home goods.

But no matter the season, we always have an ever-evolving variety of houseplants, succulents and creatively imagined containers to plant them in.

Check our hours below and plan a visit!


- - - - - - - - - - HOURS - - - - - - - - - -

Mon | 9am - 7pm
Tues | 9am - 7pm
Wed | 9am - 7pm
Thur | 9am - 7pm
Fri | 9am - 7pm
Sat | 9am - 6pm
Sun | 10pm - 6pm